Description: Looking south-east. The tram shelter on the right is situated in the middle of the road and served trams heading eastwards as far as the junction with St Peter's Street and the Corn Market, just out of sight round the corner. A fully-enclosed Derby Corporation car is loading, although the lack of urgency displayed by the three ladies suggests they are probably waiting for a different service. Opposite the tram stop on the left is the building housing the Corporations's tramway offices and dating from 1904. A motorcycle and sidecar is parked outside.
Behind the tram is Ranby's, a department store that eventually became part of Debenhams. At this date it had expanded to occupy a hotch-potch of different buildings along the south side of Victoria Street but in the early 1960s these were demolished in stages as a new shop building with a curving facade matching the alignment of the road arose around them. In this view a plethora of signage attempts to unite the street frontage, proclaiming 'Ranby's for Value' and 'The Store for the Thrifty'.
The three-storey building with the rounded corner in the middle distance is occupied by the Derbyshire Building Society; Green Lane goes off to the right immediately in front.
Derby-based postcard publisher F W Scarratt took this photo but it is not known what number he allocated it in his series.