Description: This view shows the East end portal of the 138 yard tunnel on the old Outram Canal tramway. The cut and cover tunnel under the main drive to Calke Abbey varies in section and height no fewer than four times (detailed measurements taken by Charles E Lee and an assistant in 1951). The width varies from 7 ft 1 inch to 12 ft 1 inch and the internal height from 6 ft 9 inches to 7 ft 8 inches. The tunnel is well built of solid brick and excellently preserved. It is covered by only a foot or two of soil over. Hower Outrams work was not without it's critics, despite hand to mouth conditions - he had to work due to lack of funding. The cutting and archway under Sir Henry Harpurs drive at Ticknall was condemned in an engineer's report of 1803 by being incomplete and needing further walling and arching.