Description: Bradford City Fire Brigade Dennis fire engine AK 3081 outside Bradford Central Fire Station in Nelson Street. Bradford's first motorised appliance was delivered in 1909 and although made by Dennis of Guildford (Surrey), this is not thought to be that engine. At this period all Bradford's fire engine fleet appear to haver been named and this one carries a brass nameplate reading "JOHN ARNOLD". Alderman John Arnold JP was Mayor of Bradford in 1913-14, which suggests this machine was a later addition to the fleet. The Central Fire Station was built in 1902 and included 24 houses for the fire-fighters. It was replaced in 1971 by a new complex, which itself has now been closed, supplanted by local communuty fire stations. The driver of "JOHN ARNOLD" is identified as a Mr Wilkinson (originally this image weas thought to have been taken at Stapleford, Notts - we are indebted to Mr Keith Goodman of Nottingham for drawing attention to this mis-identification).