Description: The following is part of an article which appeared in the Bolsover Advertiser. 'The parade was organised by the Hospital Committee on the occasion of their the 1930's after the strike. The carnival took place on feast Wednesday. The committee collected enough money by means of the carnival and a week of sports to buy the first Bolsover Ambulance which they presented to the Urban District Council. On the photograph are Councillor Jack Fulwood in a trilby and a light suit. Behind him, wearing a cap and a dark suit (carrying a paper) is Councillor Merrill Stubbins. [Also shown is ] Pearson who was the secretary of the Hospital Committee. Behind him in a bowler, black bow tie and dark suit is Councillor German Fisher, who was probably dressed thus because he would be playing the violin to the audience that evening. The shop immediately above Mr Pearson belonged to Jack Fulwood who sold fish and chips, hence the metal chimney on the roof. Mr Merricks was also a member of the committee, but is not shown. The band was that belonging to Bolsover Colliery, with it's bandmaster, Mr Stan Jennings. The intrepid trombonist is Billy Botham.'