Description: Viewed from the north from the top of Bath St Shows condition after the re-building of 1909-10. Note the tram cables which ceased to be used from January 1931. Copy of Rex photo no 2701 postcard. Published by the King Bros ?. St Mary's Church dates back to around the year 1200, but little is left from this period apart from the 3 East piers between the nave and the South aisle. The nave was doubled in length when the church was enlarged in 1909-10 by P. H. Currey, and the tower was rebuilt in a new position. It contains a rare and remarkable early 14th century stone screen. There is a well preserved effigy of a cross-legged knight, presumed to be that of Nicholas de Cantelupe, who died in 1272. The Cantelupes were lords of the manor in the 13th century.